Janine Haemmerle

unLearning Experience Designer, founder Worldwilde Mindset

Main focus: The Art of unLearning

Websites/blogs: www.worldwilde.at , https://www.linkedin.com/in/janinehaemmerle/

Languages: German, English, Spanish

City: Dornbirn

State: Vorarlberg

Country: Austria

Topics: facilitation, leadership transformation, mindset

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

"Innovate your mindset" - Honor the exisiting, welcome the new, let go of the obsolete.

Changes and crises offer opportunities to reshape one's comfort zone.
I activate, guide and create space for people to engage with new learning topics and perspectives.

What is needed for successful unLearning?
• Meaningfulness: What is it good for? Why do I want to engage with it?
• Awareness: What is my current attitude to this topic? What are my experiences with it?
• Exchange: What experiences do the others have? What do we have in common/do we see differently?
• Ownership: What is my contribution? What is my share of the (un)learning success?
• Letting go: Which views/tools do not longer fit into the new context?

As a facilitator and "journey guide" I take care of
• a psychologically safe environment
• structure & moderation of the process
• the inclusion of all participants

Can cause side-effects like mutual understanding, proactive participation and strong feeling of belonging.


As an experienced trainer, enthusiastic facilitator and "worldwilde" woman, it is my passion to bring people in touch with a variety of topics.

My international work experience and life abroad have made it possible to
• engage with other realities and worldviews
• experience diversity as an enrichment

I would like to foster more curiosity and the courage to question things (including one's own views) in others.

Since the end of 2020 I am back in Austria and enjoy opportunities such as "the art of hosting and harvesting conversations", Projektschmieden, fuck up nights etc., that allow and foster openness, collaboration and collective intelligence.

Degree: MSc in Management of Training and Development